Programs & Support
Parents As Teachers (PAT) Home Visiting
A professionally trained Parent Educator will visit your family each month to share information and resources about child development and parenting topics using the nationally acclaimed Parents As Teachers Curriculum.
This program is available at no cost to parents living in Eau Claire or Dunn County, who are expecting or adopting a baby, and/or who's child is under the age of 5. Visits can be weekly, bi-monthly or monthly; and we aim to work with a family for at least two years.
As a PAT family, you will receive:
Personal Visits: During these visits, your Parent Educator will share age-appropriate child development and parenting information, help you learn to observe your child and address your parenting concerns.
Screenings: Assessment of your child's overall development as well as health, hearing and vision. Assessment uses the acclaimed ASQ (Ages & Stages Questionnaire) and Milestones Moments.
Resource Network: This network will link your family to other community services.
To learn more about Parents as Teachers, please visit http://www.parentsasteachers.org/

Lending Library
Sign out activity bags and family games for your child to enjoy for up to 2 weeks at no charge! Activity bags are designed by age, from infant to preschool and up.
Family games include classics, like Candyland, cooperative games, such as Hoot Owl Hoot, and many more.
Our library also contains books and videos on many different parenting and child development topics which you can sign out to enjoy at home.

Adaptive Events & Resources
We are dedicated to serving families of children with disabilities, delays, and special health care needs.
Our staff are parents themselves, and many of us have children with high support needs. We have experienced just how confusing and exhausting it can be to navigate numerous programs and advocate for accommodations, whether through the school or County or medical system. We’ve experienced the challenges and isolation of parenting children who need controlled environments and intense supervision.
We want to provide a welcoming and supportive space for your family and help you connect with relevant resources throughout our community.
Parent Support Line
We have staff who specialize in all areas of family life and child development. If you have non-emergency questions or would like support in the day-to-day challenges of parenting, we are just a phone call away.
We can also provide families information about a wide range of community services, from energy and food assistance to information on County human services programs and enrollment.
Remember, resource is our middle name!
You can reach us at 715-833-1735
Our office hours are Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 1 pm.
New Babies
Nursing Nook
Nursing moms are welcome to feed their babies when and however they feel comfortable. Our Nursing Nook is a small private area with a comfy rocking chair available for use whenever the FRC is open.

At the FRC, we love new babies and their parents!
From baby playgroups to infant massage classes and a dedicated baby zone, we are committed to the needs of newborns and their parents and caregivers.​​